Thursday, February 7, 2008

Giving Thanks to God!!

Above is close up of dorms and below is aerial of dorms.

As you have heard on the news Tennessee got hit hard by the tornadoes and my little brothers go to Union University and were on campus when one hit. They were in Patrick's dorm when my step-mother called them to take cover now (she was in Nashville watching the news). They decided to go to Neill's dorm room because it seemed safer. When they got outside they could see the tornado. They said it just looked huge and it looked as if it wasn't moving. They hurried to Neill's building and room and took cover in the bathroom. They said they could hear a humm and then the pressure started changing and their ears were popping and then it was over. So fast. It is just a miracle that none of the students lost their lives. I am so thankful my little brothers weren't hurt. I read that 80% of the dorms were damaged or demolished. Patricks car was on campus and was probably totalled. Neill's was off campus in the shop and was OK. My dad is there today helping them to gather their things if they are allowed to go back inside because as you can see by the pictures most of the dorms will be tore down and rebuilt. So many people have lost so much so quickly so please just remember those people today!

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