Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Progress for fundraiser

So I mentioned the fundraiser below and today I had a productive day. I am pooped but feeling like I am going in the right direction. I took the day off while Taylor was at daycare to try to hit alot of places.

I got these donations:
-a case of cokes (8-2L)
-a big boy bike and 5 turkeys
-a notice running on local radio each day until
-sold 5 ticket block
-a donated cook book (for auction)
-all the sweet potatoes donated (cooked and ready for day of)
-all green beans donated (cooked and ready for day of)
-sold 8 ticket block (to my dentist)
-100.00 donation
-sold 2 tickets
-and I have 3 places I talked to today that will give me something hopefully tomorrow

Yesterday we got
-a commitment of 3 turkeys and
-sold a 10 ticket block

Tomorrow.....we try again.............we just might make this happen!!

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