Monday, February 9, 2009

No...not today :(

No news today, but I did find out that someone else got their TA and I asked for her timeline and it is identical to now I am just praying it comes this week!! I have been checking out airline prices and believe it or not they are about $200 less per person than when we went in 06 and I just hope they stay that way til I get ours booked. I did not find out that ours didn't come today til late afternoon, so I won't embarrass myself and tell you how many times I looked at my cell phone for a missed call, or how many times I checked my email.

1 comment:

Barbie said...

I can only imagine how many times you checked for messages because I did the same thing when it was my turn. I was obsessed!!!!!!! I will be praying that it comes this week. I know you must be going crazy! This is the time I wish God would just whisper in your ear so you would know for sure. Yeah, if only things were that easy. :-)