Monday, March 23, 2009

Traditional 'Red Couch' photos

Last night right after bath.

5 precious kiddo's

5 new families!

We have had a quiet morning and now the kids are napping. We had to stay in our room until 11am, because our guide was at the US Consulate on our behalf having all our paper work cleared. At 11 we were finally free and walked around and then met our group for the traditional red couch photo at the White Swan Hotel. As you can see the kids were none too happy about being placed on this red couch and having lots of photos taken but we did it none the less. Rachel doesn't like any of her new shoes and just cries if you put a pair on her. We all slept well and had a good breakfast. Rachel has had 4 diarrhea diapers over the last 3 to 4 days now, but her tummy doesn't seem to hurt and it hasn't stopped her from eating or drinking. It's hard to know which of many things it could be that has caused it. Could it be a round of antibiotics, 5 immunization shots at one time, a whole new diet....or stress? I don't know maybe a mixture. It will be so great to be home and have a routine to our family again. I think Rachel will just blossom in our family!!


Lynne said...

The memories these pictures bring back... being in that lobby in the White Swan where the red couches are... SO very glad for you to have made it there with your sweet Rachel!

MrsHonea said...

LOVE these pictures!!

Charlotte said...

Love the pics, and the red couch and seeing all of GZ, how I miss it ! Rachel is so beautiful !

Charlotte and crew