Friday, April 16, 2010


These are somewhat out of order but this is
Rachel with some of her easter basket loot!

and here they are making grass all over the carpet.......and yes they cleaned it up!!

Taylor took the picture below, this is at Maw Maw and Paw Paw's house.

our two with their cousins

Taylor found the biggest prize egg with $5 !!

pretty girl!

Taylor and Emma

At the end of the day at the in-laws house Rachel went over and sat on this swing...

then she layed her face on the swing.........

after this picture we went and picked her up before she fell out from exhaustion...:))

at aunt Traci's house, laying on the hammock with cousin Trey

our two bunnies
Taylor's basket

Rachel's basket

making Easter eggs

looks can be deceiving but here is Taylor with the dust buster
and Rachel with her broom

Taylor peeling boiled eggs

Friday, April 2, 2010

on a roll now

Rachel eating her favorite, boiled egg, and notice flip-flops on the wrong feet. If you put them on the right feet she will sit and change them. If you tell her they are on the wrong feet she basically tells you she likes it that way:))

Taylor's "mean" face......

Rachel 'choking' the kitty.....

Carrying her one handed.

below....notice flip flops on wrong feet....again!

Above and below was taken at my works yearly Easter egg hunt. At the end, all the children get to choose a prize and you can see what Rachel and Taylor picked. Rachel is calling that her puppy and when we tell her it's a lamb she says 'no', I did hear her calling it puppy lamb yesterday. Rachel also wouldn't take her picture with the Easter bunny.....oh well.

Haven't posted in forever then 2 in one week................I couldn't resist sharing these pics though!! Precious faces!!