Saturday, May 12, 2007

Cath Conference

Well we finally spoke with Taylor's cardiologist Friday afternoon. Basically she stated what we already knew, that after the cath conference with all the cardiologists it is agreed on that he needs surgery. It's not emergent so it doesn't have to be done immediately, they basically recommended that we look at our schedule and plan for the next 4-6 months. So when we are contacted by the surgery scheduler we are going to request June. We will have far more support in the summer with my sister being a teacher. So as soon as we get it scheduled I will post.

Last night was the first night that James or myself haven't put Taylor to sleep. We got a babysitter...Hunter. I had guilt for leaving him and not being there to put him to sleep. The bad and good thing was it was a surprise party for a friend and her husband who just graduated with new career paths and they had getting James to quit singing and go home was no easy task. The guy likes to sing!!!

Off to enjoy this beautiful day!! Hoping for a little sushi for Mother's Day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


We will keep you and your little man in our prayers.

Have a wonderful Mother's Day tomorrow!!