Saturday, September 15, 2007


Taylor definitely has staples in his diet. He loves corn on the cob, white rice (soupy) and boiled eggs. I took this picture to always remind us, if we ever forget, how much of it he ate as a toddler. On this night he ate one whole piece of corn before me and James could get our plates and come sit down with him.


Michelle said...

It was a pleasure reading about what a blessing Taylor has been to your family. Our family is bringing home a boy from China on a SN list next spring and reading your blog just gets us that more excited :-)

TaiwanMommy said...

Taylor is a doll.

We have Kyra (6/04) who is a biobaby, and Taelor and Harper (11/05) adopted, and from Taiwan, to keep us on our toes. They were SN, but due to prematurity. No issues exist today.

I'm enjoying your blog!
