Thursday, April 30, 2009

Where does the time go?

Rachel and Taylor with my their soon to be 83 year old Grandmother.

Well I can see I might get this thing updated once a month. Having 2 kids has given me alot more to do. Things are going great here. Miss Rachel is adjusting well and her and Taylor's relationship seems to be getting better and better every day. We have met with early intervention and our local family doctor has seen Rachel. Our family doc doesn't believe she has mild cp. She may be a little delayed just from being in the orphanage but she is catching up quickly. It is amazing what she can do today that she couldn't when we got her. She walks, run, climbs and has taught herself to use her spoon. She is trying new words and sounds all the time. We had an appointment scheduled for Vanderbilt for next week, but I canceled it. Our local doc and I agree that for now there seems to be no need. Of course we can always reschedule if needed. We may utilize Early Intervention to help her with catching up developmentally. So she might be getting PT starting really soon. So, here are a couple of pics, which I know is what you really want to see.


MrsHonea said...

Aw, it was great getting an update. (OF COURSE WE LOVE THE PICS!)

Randy Gottlieb said...

Oh, what a great smile!!! I'm thrilled to hear that Rachel is adjusting so well, and that the doctor was so pleased with her progression. What great news! Hugs to all,