Wednesday, February 18, 2009

No news to report!

I wish I could say we have heard something but we haven' TA yet. But I know it will come, when is just the answer I don't have. I can't believe we are almost to Thursday again with no word and then our agency is closed til Monday and then we are anxious Mon-Thurs especially around 12-1:30pm each day. That is when they usually get their packages and make calls. So after 1:30pm each day you just know that today was not the day.

I am handling it pretty good.....I just want that TA in my hand!!

1 comment:

Lori Lynn said...

Awwe Man! I cannot believe your TA still hasn't arrived. I'll be waiting for your good news, no matter how long it takes.

Looking forward to tagging along on your journey (via the internet)

Lori W