Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Cath Rescheduled

Today I was at work and received a call from our doctors office confirming our appt for the cath for Thursday. During the conversation she stated that the doctor did not need to see us for pre cath stuff on Wednesday that we could actually do it on Thursday morning before the cath. I said that would be great. She said for us to come in on Thursday at 11am. And I said 11:00, we were told Taylor will be 3rd and that meant he would go back at about 8:30am. And she said that info was not correct that 3rd means he will not be called back until between 12 and 1pm. Needless to say I was very frustrated with this misinformation we were given but we decided to cancel for Thursday, because we would have to withhold food until after the cath. And since we weren't going to be called back til 12 or 1pm there was just no way we could do that to Taylor so she was supposed to call me back this afternoon with the next date where we could be 1st, and she didn't call, so I am expecting a call first thing tomorrow. I would have never even scheduled Taylor for 3rd of the day if we had been given the correct info about time, but at this point we just reschedule and wait a few extra weeks and it just feels like maybe it wasn't meant to be this week. He has a little head cold and with the extra time hopefully he will be over that. The hardest part is the not knowing if we are facing heart surgery. So we are frustrated but probably mainly because we just want to know...you know!!

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