Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Happy 3rd Birthday Taylor!!

Since we had the birthday party on Monday, we decided to just have a birthday breakfast this morning and give Taylor his gift from us which was a slide/climber thingy for the back yard. It has a steering wheel on it up in the top part so Taylor was calling it a car. I've been calling it a fort???? Anyway, our little guy is 3. He has been with us for 8 months now and I just can't remember life before Taylor!! Wow, how much we love this little guy!! There are no words to say just how much we love him and just how much our life has changed, in such a good way!

By the way, for birthday breakfast we had biscuits and chocolate gravy!! My mom used to make chocolate gravy for us growing up, a recipe passed down from her mom. I have always had a sweet tooth so I always loved, loved chocolate gravy. Taylor seemed to like it as well. Another southern classic!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Taylor!!! Looks like you had a great time.

April & Aiden
PS - Aiden LOVES corn on the cob, too!!