Saturday, July 28, 2007

Eating like a true southerner.

James' dad always has such a great garden and we get lots of good veggies this time a year but I don't think I have ever appreciated it so much as I have this year. We have been feasting on fresh corn on the cob, tomatoes, baby red potatoes, green tomatoes, squash and cucumbers. The first night we had corn on the cob (a couple of weeks ago) Taylor looked like he recognized it and wanted it but once he got it he just kind of gnawed on it and really didn't get much corn off of it. Since then we have had corn on the cob several times and he has always wanted it. Tonight however he ate his whole cob of corn. You should have heard him biting into it. Also you'll notice beside his plate a piece of fried green tomato which he ate several of and in the red bowl...yes that is grits, a true southern food. I still can't get over it but he doesn't like mashed potatoes, which is a household favorite and we've gotten him to taste it several times, but he definitely doesn't like them.

The other picture you'll notice Taylor is in a onesie, and he looks just adorable. At his age and weight it is hard to find onesies but after surgery we needed them because he is a picker. He will scratch and pick at any kind of scab or bite he can find on his body so it was a must that he couldn't get to his surgery 'boo boo'. I just think he is adorable in the onesies, I will miss them when he outgrows them.

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