Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The surgery went well yesterday and quicker than expected. They finished around 11 or 11:30 and we were able to see Taylor at 12:30pm. He has been such a trooper, he is definitely tougher than his mommy would be!!! He had to stay last night in the PICU but they do expect for him to be in a regular room sometime today. Since surgery they have been able to take him off the ventilator, take out his art-line, take out the catheter, and they are now trying to control his pain with just Tylenol. It's amazing! They did have to give him a diuretic during the night because he wasn't having any urine output. The med worked great though and hopefully his kidneys will decide to kick in and work on their on. He hasn't had anything to drink or eat yet, but I am sure he will start asking soon. Things are going smoother, so far, than we expected. Thanks for all your prayers!!

Jennifer, James and Taylor

1 comment:

Ohilda said...


What wonderful news. Taylor is definitely such a trooper. Bless his little heart.

We will continue praying.
