Sunday, July 8, 2007

Night before surgery...

We came on up to Nashville today to stay with my dad. So it's me, James, and Taylor and also my sister and her two kids then, in addition, my two brothers are home for the summer from college and so we are having a big slumber party!! Tonight we got to go visit my dad's church and my brother Neill was the guest preacher. He has one more year in college and Patrick is in his second year. I have to say I was a very proud big sister tonight.

We have to be at the hospital at 5:30am, they will take him back about 7am and start about 8am and should be finished at about 12 or 1pm. He will stay in the PICU one night and then hopefully to a regular room on Tuesday. Please continue all the prayers!! It is a blessing to be surrounded by our family tonight. We do have our cell phones with us and they are allowed in the hospital, so feel free to call us during this week, I will also try to update the blog on Monday afternoon or night.

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