Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Stressin'.....just a little

So James and I are hosting a fundraiser on November 22nd in hopes to raise enough money to fully fund a surgery for a child through Love Without Boundaries. We are having a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, silent auction and a professional photographer is taking a family photograph for a donation of $5. So it's like in October you couldn't do much because it was too far off and now...... it's November 4th and it's 2.5 weeks off and I am feeling the pressure!!!!!!!! It also very hard to take a 4 year old around to try to sell tickets and get donations. In the car seat, out of the car seat. I decided to take tomorrow off and Taylor will be at school and so I can move a little faster. Please pray for success for this fundraiser. I was really getting stressed and then this morning I realized that God is the one that put this on my heart and it has been on my heart to do since bringing Taylor home and if I am finally acting on something He put on my heart so strongly then how can it go wrong!!! It gave me peace and a much better attitude before we set out to talk to people today!! We decided on November in honor of it being Adoption Awareness Month. What a gift adoption is. I wish I could just bottle it up and show people and let them know that the miracle that they feel that their biological child is...it's the same with adoption. It is a miracle and the love you feel is indescribable.

1 comment:

MrsHonea said...

Is the fundraiser close? I would like to donate to it either way, but if it's close, then we could attend as well.