Monday, March 23, 2009

GZ day 3 part 3

Taylor's new trick!
Giving mommy's arms a rest!!

At the Thai restaurant called Cow and Bridge....soooo yummy!

Not happy that she was taken away from Madagascar to model.

OK that's better, I can see my movie now!
When we went back out I got some famous squeaky shoes!! For these 4 pair I paid a total of
145 yuan which equals $22.00, not each but total!!

So after nap we did a little more shopping and then let Taylor play at a local park that is close to the hotel. There were alot of kids from a nearby school there when we went. After that we ate again at the Thai restaurant that is sooooo good. We are now back at the room and I just tried Rachel's new outfit on her and she got really mad....I took her away from Madagascar 2 and she is really enjoying watching these movies. You will see, as soon as I put her back on the bed where the movie was she quit crying. We also had a little breakthrough today, she actually let James carry her while we were out shopping. Yeah for mommy's muscles.

1 comment:

Lori Lynn said...

I haven't checked in for awhile. It was so fun to catch up with your adventures. It sounds like you are close to coming home. Your whole family looks great and it looks like Rachel is adapting well.

Thanks for sharing.
