Sunday, March 15, 2009

Nanjing Day 1

I may have finally figured out how to get on my blog but can't get it to post pics yet. So for same post with pics, go to, adoption stories, and look for Rachel Lian.

So we finally made it to Rachel's province. The boys are down for a nap and I finally was able to get the computer set up. Let me backtrack. Thursday at about 5:30pm we left Pulaski and headed to Nashville to spend the night since we had to be at the airport at about 4:30am. Traci and Trey took us to Nashville. The hotel seemed convenient and clean but the walls were like paper and I literally slept like 1.5 hours the entire night!! No kidding. James might have slept 3 and Taylor was restless all night and then woke up for good at 2:30am!! He never does that. He was sooooo excited. Our first flight Friday left at 6am to Chicago and it was a great flight. Then we left Chicago for Shanghai at 10am. That flight was 14 hours. I had a terrible time this time. My butt started hurting immediately and for me the flight was miserable long. I also sat next to a man that came in reaking of alcohol and drank the entire flight!! Entire!! When he would sleep (pass out) he then would talk, humn, moan, in his sleep! Oh yeah and then his arm would fall down on my leg! YUCK!! Don't laugh cause I am telling you it wasn't funny!!!! Taylor only slept twice, the first time for 2 hours and then again the last hour of the flight. I couldn't believe he stayed awake, especially after getting up at 2:30 am. James got a couple hours and I slept probably 4 hours. Taylor has been such a trooper! He has truly amazed me. OK so back on track, we flew into Shanghai and stayed at the Jian Jiang Towers Hotel. Very nice hotel. We got to our room in the afternoon walked around a little, then had a not so good overpriced dinner , we just picked the wrong place. I think Shanghai, is just a more expensive city. Very modern, very pretty, lots of expensive shopping areas, etc. They did have a great hotel buffet this morning. So we called it a night at 7pm. We were all exhausted. At 2am Taylor woke us up thinking it was time to get up. We all watched a little tv, had a poptart and went back to sleep until about 5:30. So hopefully now we will be swapped over to this time zone. This morning we left Shanghai and took a train to Nanjing. It took 2 hours and it was a very nice, new train. We are now at the Mandarin Garden Hotel in Nanjing Province, it is Sunday 3 pm here so it is Sunday morning 2am at home. We are 13 hours ahead. We will get Rachel tomorrow (Monday) at 2pm. Our guide talked with her orphanage today and said she is still having some bottles. Yikes!! I have never done bottles. Taylor was already off them. They also have a baby bed in our room for sis!! I cannot believe we are about to have a daughter!! I am telling you even though I am in China I am somewhat in denial or I just don't know what to expect with having two, so I am just not letting my brain go there or something. I am sorry this is soooo long, I didn't mean to babble so much. For those of you who check our blog, I am not able to log into blogger, so I don't know if I will be posting there or not.
OK, that is it for now, please pray!! Pray for Rachel, for peace in her heart, for her to know she is safe and loved and for her transition. Please pray for all of our transition as we become a family of 4!!


Lori Lynn said...

How exciting! I hope you all can get some rest. I cannot wait to see pictures of your little girl. I will go check out your other site to follow along.

That was really gross about the drunk on the plane. I hope the return flight goes better.

Lori W

mhat said...

I typed a whole comment and then realized I had to become a I'm starting from scratch. I am sorry, but I had to laugh about the man on the plane. Maybe in a few years you can laugh, too?????? Good luck with everything...bottles should be no problem. Hopefully she just drinks whole milk. You just pour it in the bottle and go.