Look....she's already reading:))
Day 14 and she finally enjoyed her bath time!!
Taylor showing me how frustrated he's been! Change is hard!
eating her favorite....eggs
15 days ago~
Rachel could say:
mama, by-bye, and woof woof
avioded eye contact
wouldn't let Taylor within arms reach without a smack
hates a bath
demands to sleep in crib without snuggling
eats everything in sight
Rachel can say:
mama, by-bye, woof, woof, baba (daddy), hi, hey, uh-oh, TayTay, ayi (aunt Traci), night night, no-no, & light...oh yeah and she says 'ss ss' meaning to say shay shay which is thank you in Chinese (I am not even sure how to spell shay shay, but that is how it sounds)
she doesn't avoid eye contact
let's Taylor get right beside her
gives kisses alot
likes a bath (actually for the first time last night)
wants to be snuggled and held all the time
still eats everything in sight!! This girl can eat!
Awesome post!!! So glad to see the progress in such a short time. Things are probably hardest on Taylor, bless him, but I know he loves his lil sister! Great photos!
What an amazing transformation! By the way, it is spelled xie xie, for thank you.
I love the T-ball pics and the Easter egg hunt too! It is all so much fun.
Lori W
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